What is a Financial Plan | Investment Process


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Have questions in mind about what is a financial plan, financial planning process, financial planning tips for retirement? Here is answer of your all questions. 



Our financial professional identifies opportunities and creates portfolios based on asset and sector classes believed to be in a long-term upward trend. Then we integrate and synthesizes independent analysis with comprehensive market data such as technical, fundamental and quantitative data as well as insights from internal independent analysts.


Here we seek companies, sectors, investment vehicles that are positioned to potentially benefit from identified long- term opportunities, low expense ratio and liquidity.


We utilize multiple analysis tools and techniques to enhance investment decisions including bottoms-up, fundamental analysis by some of the most talented financial professionals in the industry to determine fair market value of assets and investments. This is then paired with technical analysis to ensure appropriate investment timing.


Constantly, we monitor investment behavior trends to enhance the decision-making process, such as insider activity, consumer, business and market sentiment.


Investment Consultant | South Texas Wealth


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South Texas Wealth helps how to choose a financial planner, investment consultant, comprehensive financial planning, divorce financial planning

Jeremy’s disciplined-based investing strategy has earned him tremendous respect in the finance industry. And he does not take this for granted. Jeremy is an avid writer because he thoroughly enjoys sharing his knowledge with his clients along with his colleagues in the industry. You can read many of his blog posts here on his website and get a free copy of his book titled: 7 Financial Planning Mistakes Baby Boomer’s Need To Avoid, simply by clicking the title.

Because of the popularity of Jeremy’s recent book, he decided to expand on the financial planning mistakes Baby Boomer’s make and in July of 2016 he will be releasing another book titled: 13 Financial Planning Mistakes Baby Boomer’s Make & How To Avoid Them. You can pre-order your copy by clicking HERE.



Wealth Planning | South Texas Wealth


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South Texas Wealth is a premier financial planning and management firm that specializes in divorce financial planning, fee only investment advisor and wealth planning. If you’re a baby boomer who is nearing retirement, you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. In doing so, you may start talking to fellow baby boomers and family members asking advice on how you can get the most out of your retirement. If you’re really concerned, you might even schedule an appointment with a financial advisor to plan your future out. However, there are a lot of myths about retirement that are perpetuated as common knowledge by people who do not know any better.



Financial planning tips for retirement


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South Texas Wealth is a financial planning and management firm specializes in protecting Baby Boomer’s retirement savings and financial planning tips for retirement.

Have questions in mind about what is a financial plan, financial planning process, financial planning tips for retirement? Here is answer of your all questions.


South Texas Wealth | How to choose a financial planner


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South Texas Wealth helps how to choose a financial planner, investment consultant, comprehensive financial planning, divorce financial planning.
If you’re a baby boomer who is nearing retirement, you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. In doing so, you may start talking to fellow baby boomers and family members asking advice on how you can get the most out of your retirement. If you’re really concerned, you might even schedule an appointment with a financial advisor to plan your future out. However, there are a lot of myths about retirement that are perpetuated as common knowledge by people who do not know any better.

Long Term Financial Planning | South Texas Wealth


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South Texas Wealth is a premier financial planning and management firm that specializes in retirement savings, retirement planning advice, long term financial planning and in retirement financial planning.

Fee only investment advisor | South Texas Wealth


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south Texas Wealth is a premier financial planning and management firm that specializes in divorce financial planning, fee only investment advisor and wealth planning. If you’re a baby boomer who is nearing retirement, you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. In doing so, you may start talking to fellow baby boomers and family members asking advice on how you can get the most out of your retirement.


Divorce financial Planning | South Texas Wealth


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south Texas Wealth is a premier financial planning and management firm that specializes in divorce financial planning, fee only investment advisor and wealth planning. If you’re a baby boomer who is nearing retirement, you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. In doing so, you may start talking to fellow baby boomers and family members asking advice on how you can get the most out of your retirement.
